New Beginnings: Day 1

No matter what you pursue in life, there is one common thing that unifies us all: Personal Finance.  As you grow older, it becomes apparent that a solid financial plan and the ability to budget yourself are not only very important, but also quite challenging.  It is all too easy to put it off until tomorrow stating, “I have time”; though in reality, that’s the beauty of it.  You DO have time and you need to start using that to your advantage.

As Albert Einstein once said, “Compounding interest is the eighth wonder of the world.  He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it”.

Now I’m not here to tell you it is all doom and gloom if your financial situation isn’t stellar.  In fact, there are several stories of people who have had a rather difficult deck of cards, yet were able to change their lives for the better.  What I’m trying to get at is you should never underestimate the importance of today!  Little changes, if replicated consistently over time, can yield serious results!  That is the beauty of compounding interest.

My goal here is not to reinvent the wheel, but to simply remind you that it is there.  I truly believe in the power of intention.  ANYONE can change their situation for the better; all it takes is a bit of hard-work and a positive outlook.